Bladder Control: Taboo Subject, Neglected Treatment with Tracey Seipel


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Tracey Seipel has been researching urinary tract and effective bladder control for more than twenty years. She has developed holistic approaches for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis and renal calculi. Half of male LUTS are primarily caused by the bladder, not the prostate. There is a high prevalence of urinary tract disorders and fty percent of sufferers do not disclose their urinary tract problems with their GP or even their spouse. Poor bladder control is one of the top three most adverse conditions for quality of life. Urinary incontinence alone is a leading cause for early nursing home admittance. Urinary tract disorders are isolating with sufferers often accepting their ‘fate’. Patients often become reclusive and sleep quality is affected with additional negative impacts on exercising and socialising. Antibiotic resistance is part of the problem in the treatment of some of these conditions.

Attendees will gain knowledge of:

  • Current pharmaceutical and holistic approaches
  • Naturopathic treatment strategies, protocols and guidelines
  • Award-winning bladder control research
  • Commitment to raising awareness and destigmatising bladder control issues globally.

Who should attend:

  • Health practitioners with a special interest in women’s or men’s health
  • Practitioners with an older client base, or patients with any of the listed urinary tract conditions.

All health practitioners welcome.
Webinar will be recorded if you cannot attend in person.

Tracey Seipel

Tracey Seipel is a leading Naturopath, medical herbalist, clinical nutritionist, researcher and formulator with thirty years of clinical expertise. Tracey has lectured in naturopathy. Tracey is an expert in natural urological healthcare. She has assisted develop education standards for Australian naturopathic colleges. In addition, she has been an advisor to industry and government boards. Tracey is a regular contributor to academic journals and is an international guest speaker. As a winner of the USA Nutra Ingredients Research Award and Nutrition Business Journal Award for innovation in formulation she is a leader in the area of bladder control in the USA and Australia.

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